Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Classic Rock | Heft: Jahrgang 2013, eclipsed Nr. 151 / 6-2013 | VÖ-Jahr: 2013 | Wertung: 7/10 | Label: World In Sound | Autor: BSV
After the band photo in the artwork, the four guys from The Lone Crows are buffeting for their Abitur in 2013. After the music on the debut of this US band, the four guys are old hands and have it thick as a fist behind their ears. This is hard guitar rock, as it was invented 40 years ago and as it already stretched its feelers in different directions at that time. If the opener "Lone Crow" is still fast, rough and massive, "Can't Go Home Again" is already a dirty blues. Just to be replaced by "Heard You Call", which makes you think of the young Carlos Santana. The Lone Crows don't just have tunnel vision, they rummage right and left, pick out the cherries - and then perform their songs. There is no failure. The guitar work is great. Almost everywhere there are awesome reefs and exciting solos. With all this, The Lone Crows don't forget the ballad ("Moonshine") and the jam ("The Ghost") either and convince with catchy melodies throughout. Highlight: The merciless marching "The Crawl".
Top track: The Crawl