LOST IN THE TREES - A Church That Fits Our Needs

Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Other | Heft: Jahrgang 2012, eclipsed Nr. 139 / 4-2012 | VÖ-Jahr: 2012 | Wertung: 9/10 | Label: Anti | Autor: SaS

The band chose the style name "Angst ins ins instilling songs" on their website and already indicates in which direction their songs, which can also be described as a mixture of Psychound Pagan-Folk, go. Lost In The Trees deal with repressed primeval fears, archaic religiosity, repressed violence and similar unattractive themes. Already their second album "All Alone In An Empty House" could give you goose bumps despite all the beautiful sounds, but with "A Church That Fits Our Needs" the American band manages to sharpen their plan even further: The folky songs convey to the listener an incomprehensible fear of the unknown, of archaic pagan rituals. The search for the "church that satisfies our needs" is a horror trip in a soft, unbelievably melodic garment. So it's no wonder that the creepy looking woman, who was still blurred on the cover of the last album and photographed sideways from a distance, now looks directly and abruptly into the camera. Lost In The Trees confront the listener in a gentle, seductive way with a world we unconsciously fear. And create great art in the process.

Top track: This Dead Bird Is Beautiful

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