MARCO MINNEMANN - Evil Smiles Of Beauty/Sound Of Crime

Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Avantgarde, Jazz/Jazzrock/Fusion | Heft: Jahrgang 2012, eclipsed Nr. 139 / 4-2012 | VÖ-Jahr: 2012 | Wertung: 7/10 | Label: Eigenvertrieb | Autor: BSV

The comparison with the recently released album by Porcupine-Tree-drummer Gavin Harrison and bassist 05ric is simply too tempting not to pull it. And he is also entitled in parts. Because Marco Minnemann is an experienced drummer like Harrison and on his new double CD "Evil Smiles Of Beauty/ Sound Of Crime" he also occasionally cultivates the filigree jazz rock of the aforementioned duos, characterized by bass and drums. But that was already the case with the parallelisms. Minnemann, long in conversation as a possible new Dream Theater drummer, played almost all instruments himself and also took over the singing. The total of 30 tracks prove the breadth of his musical horizon. Sometimes the bass is as loud as Yes' Chris Squire's, sometimes the German gives the acoustic songwriter. Funky jazz, tough art rock, funky electro indie pop and ambient soundscapes follow. And Minnemann doesn't shy away from humorous interludes or trip rock any more than he does from avant-garde sounds or crisp rock numbers. What a variety!

Top track: Dead Sunlight

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