Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Progmetal, Stoner/Desertrock | Heft: Jahrgang 2014, eclipsed Nr. 162 / 7-8-2014 | VÖ-Jahr: 2014 | Wertung: 7/10 | Label: Warner | Autor: ML
Three years ago the band from Atlanta had developed a bit more towards simpler structures with "The Hunter", but at the same time they had carved out some irresistible Hammersongs. The new sixth Mastodon studio album can't quite keep up. The conditions were better than ever: "The Hunter" the band lifted the success ladder a few steps higher and the straggler of the "New Wave Of American Heavy Metal" had become a real heavyweight. "Once More 'Round The Sun' has again become a little more complex in many respects, which of course accommodates the extraordinary drumming of Brann Dailor. The purchase of any Mastodon work is worthwhile because of its extraordinary play alone. The ex-drummer of the Math-Core-Band Lethargy and the funk-metalist Gaylord is also working the influences of his former bands into the Mastodon cosmos. And if you look at the album and its eleven tracks individually, then it has become a really good sludge metal album with the usual dose of progmetal. But in the context of the band history it is unfortunately a step backwards, even if only a small one.
Top track: Chimes At Midnight