MAXIMO PARK - Too Much Information

Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Alternative/Indie | Heft: Jahrgang 2014, eclipsed Nr. 158 / 3-2014 | VÖ-Jahr: 2014 | Wertung: 6/10 | Label: Vertigo | Autor: SaS

Maximo Park is one of those bands that had set their sights on world domination for a short time in the last decade and for one or two years were indispensable on the front pages of the music gazettes. Franz Ferdinand, Bloc Party and the Arctic Monkeys also belong to this club, but only the latter have proven to be more sustainable. And Maximo Park have become something of a loser of the indie pop clique. With each album they tried to reinvent their sound; the only constant remained the demanding lyrics, which vocalist Paul Smith says he attaches great importance to. This time you poach a bit in electronic regions and sound like an arcade-fire-clone in the first song, only to quickly move on to, not uninteresting, Depeche-Mode epigonism. Unfortunately, this not unattractive electronic moment only lasts a few songs, then you suddenly commit yourself to trivial indie rock again. Thus, this fifth work also seems directionless and undecided and again doesn't reach the class of their best album "Our Earthly Pleasures", which the band should definitely play again.

Top Track: Leave This Island

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