Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Progmetal, Heavy Rock | Heft: Jahrgang 2014, eclipsed Nr. 158 / 3-2014 | VÖ-Jahr: 2014 | Wertung: 7/10 | Label: Just For Kicks | Autor: AS
"Our Own Devices" is the longplay debut of Mindcage, a quartet from Pensacola, Florida - with a length of 36 minutes a little short. On a total of ten tracks with a maximum of five and a half minutes it deals with a gloomy story in which the world trimmed for economic optimization gets a new hero who brings it back to light. Founded in 1996, the four-man band is quite close to the above-mentioned bands with its ability and joy of playing. But he still often misses their innovation. The pieces remain compact songs, even if they contain solos, appealing riffs and some frickelia. But there's not too much left to be done. It becomes more interesting when guest singer Julie Westlake intervenes and counteracts the expressive singing of Jeff Hignite with her soft voice. In this case, the Americans sound a bit like Ayreon, which is not a bad reference either. You have to wait and see where Mindcage develops. The band definitely has potential. Bonus point for a hopeful newcomer.
Top track: The Serenity Sequence Pt. I + II