Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Progmetal, Acoustic | Heft: Jahrgang 2014, eclipsed Nr. 166 / 12-2014 | VÖ-Jahr: 2014 | Wertung: 8.5/10 | Label: InsideOut | Autor: MaB
After the life-threatening streptococci infection of singer Daniel Gildenlöw "Falling Home" is a welcome sign of life for the Swedish progmetal band Pain Of Salvation. And what one. Originally the quintet had wanted to release a live recording of their Leipzig Unplugged gig from 2012, but due to a technical problem on site this plan failed. Pain Of Salvation therefore went to the rehearsal room to record eleven songs under live conditions - including many songs from their own back catalogue, but also two cover versions ("Holy Diver" by Dio and "Perfect Day" by Lou Reed), which are refined by Gildenlöw's outstanding voice. As with their first unplugged album "12:5", the musicians show once again that they don't have to rely on distorted electric guitars and thunder drums to create something of their own. "Stress" builds a bridge between Progmetal, Swing and Rock'n'Roll, the EP track "Linoleum" blossoms to its true size for the first time and "Chain Sling" (already included on "12:5") sounds like Tool after a Balkan trip. Sensitive and at the same time gripping, Pain Of Salvation are on "Mrs. Modern Mother Mary" (with a cappella break). And with the title song the Fifth wrote his own "Blackbird". Also very entertaining is the ingenious swing version of "Holy Diver" (Gildenlöw: "Of course it's meant humorously."). The fact that all five musicians took part in the choral singing deserves special praise. Gildenlöw summarizes the qualities of "Falling Home" as follows: "I've been living with this CD for three years, but I have no desire to skip individual songs." All that's been said.
Top Track: Stress