Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Prog | Heft: Jahrgang 2014, eclipsed Nr. 160 / 5-2014 | VÖ-Jahr: 2014 | Wertung: 8.5/10 | Label: Just For Kicks | Autor: WS
The Canadian prog band with the picturesque German name takes the second shot. Like the oiled lightning she immediately starts with an organ-tracked longtrack at the boundary between Kansas and Yes. Phil Naro's voice is still very ah to Jon Anderson's, without seeming like a plagiarism, though. After seven minutes, the Yes goes even more similar in terms of harmony and vocals, short but powerful "In Disbelief", driven by a powerful synthi and roaring guitar. "Dandelion" builds up a darker threatening backdrop, allows King Crimson's toughness. The "Long Walk Down" is a wonderful ballad that slowly unfolds above the piano and then above all other instruments. In "Another Day" acoustic guitars also come into their own at the beginning and the twenty-minute title track, like Kansas, comes up with a virtuoso lead violin as well as a downright overflowing barrel of ideas. Impressive, with what precision, colourfulness and print Prog is designed here. A fabulous Prograusch.
Top track: Second Sound