Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Classic | Heft: Jahrgang 2012, eclipsed Nr. 139 / 4-2012 | VÖ-Jahr: 2012 | Wertung: 8/10 | Label: Bureau B | Autor: WS
After "Fragen" and "Rufen" (both 2011), this album "Antworten" completes the trilogy recorded by Krautrock-/Ambient-Urgestein Hans-Joachim Roedelius together with Onnen Bock, who replaced Dieter Moebius. There are seven tracks here, all titled "Nachts in Berlin". And a night disk it has indeed become: Piano fantasies, which the two musicians improvised already in 2007 at midnight in the Berliner Philharmonie on two impressive Steinway grand pianos (a singing bowl was added) in close musical interlocking and mental embrace. "Night in Berlin 1" flows as sparkling, associative and intimate as clear mountain water. And like this it can guide a seeker of meaning to deep nature meditation. It is seldom possible to tell who is playing which notes. The duo forms a unit, merges into one person with four hands. Thus it transports peace, serenity, rapture, introspection, clarity - things of life that are urgently needed in today's much too accelerated civilization.
Top track: At night in Berlin 1