Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Prog, Artpop/Pop | Heft: Jahrgang 2012, eclipsed Nr. 139 / 4-2012 | VÖ-Jahr: 2012 | Wertung: 8/10 | Label: GEP | Autor: WP
Steve Thorne is at a crossroads with his fourth album. While his debut album "Emotional Creatures, Part One" and - with some cutbacks - also "Part Two" had been really inspired, "Into The Ether" seemed a bit uninspired. Now, album number four, for which the multi-instrumentalist with drummer Nick D'Virgilio (ex-Spock's-Beard), guitarist Gary Chandler (Jadis), Martin Orford (ex-IQ, flute) and bassist Tony Levin (Peter Gabriel) has once again got himself considerable support. At least in part, Thorne is able to tie in with old exploits here. Let's start with the catchy up-tempo number "Already Dead", which convinces with powerful drumming. "Bullets & Babies" and "Fadeaway" show Thorne's somewhat harder side. But the Brit is more convincing when the basic mood is calm and harmonious as on the "Everything Under The Sun" refined by Orford's flute playing or the rousing "Moth To Flame". The typical Thorne tracks "Blue Yonder" and "Distant Thunder" are also convincing. Even though "Crimes & Reasons" doesn't quite come close to his debut, one can say: Steve Thorne got his act together.
Top Track: Moth To Flame WP Instrumental/Wall of Sound