STURCH - Long Way From NOWhere

Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Alternative/Indie | Heft: Jahrgang 2012, eclipsed Nr. 139 / 4-2012 | VÖ-Jahr: 2012 | Wertung: 7/10 | Label: Swell Creek | Autor: MB

Deeper staccatoriffs, fat grooves and beautifully melancholic vocal melodies form the backbone of Sturch on the third longplayer "Long Way From NOWhere". The band from the Lüneburger Heide has perfected their success formula of the last two albums "Beauty, Anger & Aggression" (2009) and "Green Mile" (2009) despite (or because of) the new line-up of the guitar department. One drawback remains nevertheless: All ten songs (plus four short instrumental fragments) are extremely similarly knitted, which offers a little too little substance over the full distance. The North Germans have also chosen U2's "Beautiful Day" as cover version. A song that doesn't quite reach the hit potential of the original in this version, but which the group could definitely leave its mark on. But did that make it absolutely necessary to decouple him as a single? Either way: The commercial successes of the US idols Staind, Sevendust, Disturbed or A Perfect Circle (singer Dennis Wenig reminds at times of Maynard James Keenan) will not be achieved by Sturch with "Long Way From NOWhere" anyway.

Top Track: Battled

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