Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Mainstream/AOR | Heft: Jahrgang 2012, eclipsed Nr. 138 / 3-2012 | VÖ-Jahr: 2012 | Wertung: ohne Wertung | Label: iMusic1 | Autor: ML
The subtitle "The Return Of The Metal Ballads" basically says everything about this compilation. RockHard co-founder and former Shark writer Uwe Lerch was responsible for the Sony compilations of the successful "Kuschelrock" series 20 years ago. The question now is whether in the digital personalized download age someone wants 34 metallic rock ballads served pre-sorted by this proven genre expert. The answer can only be that you should let an experienced camp guide like Lerch take you by the hand in the confusing melodic rock jungle and sit back for about two hours. This double CD is like in former times Kuschelrock something for common hours in twos. Only with the difference that they were heard by couples before the marriage and now by a couple whose children have just become fledged. And between the old acquaintances Def Leppard and Scorpions there are also some unknown pearls to discover, for example from Krypteria or Strangeways.
Top Track: If You Ever Get Lonley (John Waite)