Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Artpop/Pop | Heft: Jahrgang 2014, eclipsed Nr. 160 / 5-2014 | VÖ-Jahr: 2014 | Wertung: 6/10 | Label: City Slang | Autor: SaS
The record company already sends ahead, the new album of the duo from Baltimore sounds different than all his records before. What at first seems like a usual advertising bag, proves to be true already after the first bars of "Shriek". And let me say this much: The changes are not for the better. While the previous albums were characterized by an avant-garde indie pop that tried to push the boundaries and tread new paths again and again, the new album is rather a homage to the pop of the eighties - including bitter Hall-&-Oates quotes and everything else that belongs to such a retro trip. The music is danceable, it vibrates, it is memorable. Every time you think you're sitting on a postmodern joke, you get disappointed again. It's hardly worth taking a look behind the scenes: This is pop, well done, but a little unimaginative. Maybe you should also note that Wye Oak come a few decades too late with this kind of music.
Top track: I Know The Law