
OTHER LIVES create their original musical cosmos in the country

19. May 2020

OTHER LIVES kreieren auf dem Land ihren urwüchsigen musikalischen Kosmos

In times of progressive formatting of almost all areas of art and society, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find "uncalculated" music that is not due to the absurd need for search engine optimization or click numbers. The American band Other Lives proves on their new album "For Their Love" that the search for an alternative is still worthwhile

Organic arrangements over slowly spreading melodies and a sonorous, sensitive baritone testify to a strong sense of human emotionality. The Other Lives are not about the rapid consumption of a sound product produced for a target audience, but rather about musical states and processes in which the listener is present and expanding, which can be experienced first hand. Immediately before the lockdown, bandleader, singer and guitarist Jesse Tabish made his way to Berlin to talk about his band's new album.