GENESIS - Show over twelve rounds
October marks the fortieth anniversary of the Genesis classic "Seconds Out". Numerous rock fans of various colours describe the monolith with the title borrowed from boxing as one of the most exciting live albums ever recorded. At the same time he marks the end of the progressive phase of the world-famous group - not least because of the decision of their guitarist to leave Genesis after the end of the tour immortalized here to dedicate himself exclusively to his solo career. The twelve songs of "Seconds Out" formed the summit and turning point for the band. Then she continued as a trio, and the pop hits began to flow.
THRESHOLD - Powered up
Almost thirty years after their foundation Threshold are at the peak of their creative work. The English formation has regrouped into two positions. Now, it seems, she's more powerful than ever. At least guitarist Karl Groom seems to be bursting with pride when talking about the new studio album.
CALIGULA'S HORSE - About the art of being an artist
With "In Contact" Caligula's Horse have probably created their most ambitious work to date. In this book the Australians deal with art as such and the people who create it. As expected, the accompanying music is multi-faceted and reflects both the tragic and optimistic undertones of history.
GIZMODROME - Space for whatnot
If one wanted to decipher the artificial name of the new band of Stewart Copeland, Adrian Belew, Mark King and Vittorio Cosma, one would get about this: Room for whatnot. And in fact so much happens on Gizmodrome's first album that if the All-Stars didn't keep on popappealing, you could get dizzy. In Berlin, former police drummer Stewart Copeland and former King Crimson guitarist Adrian Belew were ready to provide information on the first inventory of this new exciting band constellation.
KADAVAR - Not with us!
Kadavar will not be bent. And certainly not the model band in the area of Stoner Rock and Psychedelic Doom can be dragged onto the main axis of rock. In this sense their last album "Berlin" was not the beginning of a great career, but rather a statement of the brand: We could if we wanted to! In the new work "Rough Times" they sometimes hit the same crude notch, on the other hand they have increased the influence of psychedelic and spacerock. Guitarist and singer Lupus feels very comfortable with it.
MOGWAI: "Even if we're quiet, we're loud."
Bands like Mogwai never get quiet. Even if they fall silent for a few years between their albums, their Walls of Noise always echo longer than they could hold themselves back. Their return is always furious. Twenty years ago they published their studio debut "Mogwai Young Team". With the new work "Every Country's Sun" the British post-rock greats return to their starting point. And at the same time expand their combat zone.
SAGA - The last chapter
Forty years of Saga! At the beginning of their anniversary year, the Canadian Neoproggers announced their dissolution with their move to pop. This led to long faces, especially in Germany, where the band had celebrated their greatest successes. At the end of their current tour eclipsed asks singer Michael Sadler and keyboarder Jim Gilmour what it means for them to have opened the last chapter in their band's career.
THE ROLLING STONES - 1st Stone from the Sun
It's probably the most controversial album of the Rolling Stones: The band themselves found their psychedelic excursion "Their Satanic Majesties Request" from 1967 largely unsuccessful, but for many fans the record still has cult status today. On September 22 ABKCO Music will release a limited deluxe edition as double vinyl and hybrid SACD of the album, which will undoubtedly find its buyers. eclipsed tells the turbulent story of the origin of the original record on the occasion of its fiftieth birthday.
GENTLE GIANT - Brothers of Muts
For ten years Gentle Giant kept the progressively oriented part of the rock world in suspense with their extraordinary cosmos of sound. The sextet around the brothers Derek, Phil and Ray Shulman - all of them gifted singers, all of them gifted multi-instrumentalists - was between 1970 and 1980 no experiment in the spectrum of classical music, rock, folk or pop too daring not to get involved with it. These days the sampler "Three Piece Suite" mixed by Steven Wilson has been released, including eleven pieces of the legendary first studio albums "Gentle Giant", "Acquiring The Taste" and "Three Friends".
Everything back to the beginning! Five years ago, Glenn Hughes exploded just over a kilometer away from the Cologne hotel where the interview on the current record of Black Country Communion takes place. At that time he promoted their third album "Afterglow": Hughes made a fuss about the fact that nobody else in the band was comfortable talking to the press and that there was no tour either. The result: Joe Bonamassa and his manager Roy Weisman pulled the rip cord and pushed BCC onto the siding. But now the quartet is back, with the best team performance since their debut. And Hughes is visibly pleased.
Josh Homme from the QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE wants to grab his fans and yell at them
He produces the Arctic Monkeys, tours with Iggy Pop, composes for Lady Gaga and has something of a John Wayne of rock music: Josh Homme, a tree of a guy with a penchant for hard sounds, concentrated idealism and wild experimentation. Attributes that also characterize the new album of his Queens Of The Stone Age. "Villains" sounds very different than its predecessors. Besides, it was created so secretly that even in the internet age nobody noticed it, not even its record company. According to Homme, a proven tactic: "That's how you avoid external pressure," grins the Californian-born. "One gives oneself the chance to miss it and records the albums for oneself. Which makes sense because you can't force anyone to like her. My primary concern is that they please me. Then it's called: I hate her, that's okay. They're not for everyone."
The US rock trio SIMO surprises itself and the outside world with a radical turn towards groove
No one would have believed JD Simo or his colleagues would have done that. The public had put the band from Nashville into the jam blues rock drawer. Although they were anything but disappointed with their penultimate album "Let Love Show The Way" (2016), "Rise & Shine" is a different, much stronger caliber. It's funky, groovy, soulful, and yet they haven't completely forgotten Hendrix and psychedelic blues rock. The album is already a definite highlight of the rock year 2017.