The English Spectre means in German "Schemen", "Phantom" or "Geist". In bond movies like "fireball," it was short for a criminal organization. The new bond that the whole world is waiting for even bears the title "Spectre". What could be a better promotion for the five bad guys of the Swiss formation Men From S.P.E.C.T.R.E.? She doesn't need them at all, her sound is hot and authentic enough to take over the world even without a Walther PPK in the touch. It is characterized by a full-fat sixties organ, psychedelic guitar distortions and driving rhythms.
Guitarist Gerry Germann gives information about the origin of the band and its peculiar name and sound: "We came up with a million stupid names, but the Men From S.P.E.C.T.R.E. got stuck. Of course, that refers to the James Bond villains. It just sounded cool. The band was founded in 1997. We were buddies and didn't know exactly what we wanted to do, some beat era, yeah. It wasn't really clear to us that we only played instrumental music and not all people like it that way. But we stayed with it."
"Claw" is their fourth longplayer next to various EPs and an unreleased soundtrack, which has now landed with the Düsseldorf Vibravoid and the label Stoned Karma Records, where the band feels really good. Germann: "As a rule, labels always want genre music. But we don't drive single-track, not just sixties, psychedelic or garage. Our music comes out of jams. We're all individualists."