Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Metal | Heft: Jahrgang 2014, eclipsed Nr. 158 / 3-2014 | VÖ-Jahr: 2014 | Wertung: 8/10 | Label: Century Media | Autor: MB
"Adrenaline mob may be to me what the Foo Fighters were to Nirvana for Dave Grohl: The beginning of a new career!" The former Dream Theater drummer Mike Portnoy self-confidently sounded like this in the run-up to the adrenaline mob debut "Omertà" 2012. Even then it was clear: Portnoy was only playing second fiddle in this gang. Power riffer Mike Orlando (Sonic Stomp) and Symphony X shouter Russell Allen set the tone. The latter lives out his metal qualities with Adrenaline Mob. Portnoy is no longer included for "scheduling reasons". His chair is taken over by AJ Pero (Twisted Sister), who together with Disturbed bassist Jonathan Moyer lays a mega fat groove. The riffs are super-straight and ultra-heavy through the ear canals, and the released energy is equivalent to a collision with a 60-tonner at full speed. But the Amis can also convince with the power ballads "Behind These Eyes", "Crystal Clear" and "Fallinʼ To Pieces". Strong statement from the RockʼnʼRoll mafia!
Top Track: Judgement Day