Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Electronic | Heft: Jahrgang 2013, eclipsed Nr. 151 / 6-2013 | VÖ-Jahr: 2013 | Wertung: 5/10 | Label: Spheric | Autor: WS
Electronics technician Axel Stupplich alias Axess makes an album about his passion for airplanes and flying. Howard Hughes and Charles Lindbergh send their regards. Musically, however, the whole thing is also set up in light-footed electronic pop and a chilli, pneumodic lounge à la Schiller, as if one were content with a mere nostalgic reference to the "Berlin School". Then the demand falls flat as in the bubbling bloodless opening piece, which a Jean Michel Jarre would have succeeded even more exciting. Thank God you don't get completely lost in such trifles and "Departure" proffers to rattling rhythms of extremely mysterious lead synth singing. With the fifteen-minute "Night Flight", the "Berlin School" is back with a slowly swelling arc of tension, Mellotron choir and Schulze synthie. That's it. But light and shadow are close together on this album. The title track is a bit too intrusive, while "Aurora Borealis" works well spherical. Over the unbearably kitschy ending with "Farewell" one prefers to lay the cloak of silence.
Top track: Night Flight