Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Classic Rock | Heft: Jahrgang 2013, eclipsed Nr. 151 / 6-2013 | VÖ-Jahr: 2013 | Wertung: 8/10 | Label: Nuclear Blast | Autor: ML
Scott Gorham can do it! Every other band would have been rapped on the knuckles if they had delivered such a thin-liczy plagiarism as "Bound For Glory", the second track on the debut of the Black Star Riders. After all, the guitarist and his band have virtually cribbed themselves. Until recently they were still on the road as Thin Lizzy, but then they got cold feet to release this album as Lizzy. In the internal Lizzy album ranking, however, he would have been sure of at least a middle place. After the tours with the Phil-Lynott back catalogue in their luggage, singer Ricky Warwick, the only Irishman born in the band, comes damn close to the voice of the late Lizzy skinner. This is joined by the typical twin guitar interludes, in which Gorham and his partner Damon Johnson harmonize with each other in the best Robbo/Gorham manner. With the listing of the references of their producer Kevin Shirley one could earn almost alone his line money. That the choice fell on him proves that the Black Star Riders knew exactly which hands to put themselves in as a Classic Rocker in 2013. The album sounds powerful and balanced and at the same time like the result of a jam session. The eleven songs deliver the complete Thin Lizzy spectrum from hard rockers ("Bloodshot") to hypnotic, blues-soaked midtempo tracks ("Blues Ain't So Bad") to Irish folklore ("Kingdom Of The Lost"). And they are at their best when all this comes into play in one song, such as the opening and title track. This great track also proves that the Lizzy heirs themselves can allow a light modern hard rock touch in the sense of Audrey Horne or Voodoo Highway.
Top Track: All Hell Breaks Loose