Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Rock | Heft: Jahrgang 2013, eclipsed Nr. 151 / 6-2013 | VÖ-Jahr: 2013 | Wertung: 5/10 | Label: Frostbyte | Autor: CA
Breed77 have developed very much into commercial hard rock, which makes "The Evil Inside", their sixth album, the most conventional of the Spaniards, who have been residing in London for several years now. The move was therefore not very helpful to the band in terms of innovation. The influences of traditional Iberian music, which used to flash every now and then especially in the guitar solos (after all, Pedro Caparros is a gifted flamenco guitarist) are finally passé. Here you almost only rock straight. So "The Devil Inside" seems like Creed in the few remaining quiet moments like in the balladesque "Motionless", which is up to the pain threshold, and like Nickelback or Staind in the more aggressive stuff. The string solos, which sometimes drift into progmetal filigree, raise the level and energy content of the production. But pieces like "Broken Pieces", in which it seems that singer Paul Isola has been apprenticed to Serj Tankian for a few hours, let the fire flare up more and thus at least tie in a bit with old Breed77 times.
Top Track: Broken Pieces