Psychedelic/Space Rock

MONSTER MAGNET - Milking The Stars: A Re-Imagining Of Lost Patrol

"Lost Patrol", published in 2013, showed Dave Wyndorf in top form. So why a new edition of the self-contained work? The veteran stoner rocker had already announced in several interviews that there would be a follow-up album with unused material and new interpretations.


MONSTER MAGNET - Milking The Stars: A Re-Imagining Of Lost Patrol

„Lost Patrol“, 2013 erschienen, zeigte Dave Wyndorf in Bestform. Warum also nun eine Neuauflage des doch in sich geschlossenen Werks?


HEDERSLEBEN - The new worlds

What an extraordinary combination: A quartet from Oakland plus an American guest singer name their project Hedersleben after a place in Saxony-Anhalt, the album title "Die neue Welten" is in German, and two of the founding members (guitarist Nicky Garrett and drummer Jason Willer) once worked wit


HEDERSLEBEN - Die neuen Welten

Welch außergewöhnliche Kombination: Ein Quartett aus Oakland plus amerikanischer Gastsängerin nennt sein Projekt Hedersleben nach einem Ort in Sachsen-Anhalt, der Albumtitel „Die neuen Welten” ist in deutscher Sprache gehalten, und zwei der Gründungsmitglieder (Gitarrist Nicky Garrett und Schlagz


MY BROTHER THE WIND - Once There Was A Time When Time And Space Were One

The Swedish space quartet My Brother The Wind likes to claim that their songs are pure improvisations. This may apply to the process of creation. But what you can hear on his third studio album are coherent instrumental pieces that follow an inner logic and carry a special handwriting.


MY BROTHER THE WIND - Once There Was A Time When Time And Space Were One

Das schwedische Space-Quartett My Brother The Wind behauptet gerne, dass seine Songs reine Improvisationen sind. Das mag für den Entstehungsprozess gelten.


PAUL 'LEFTY' WRIGHT - Songs From The Portal

Paul 'Lefty' Wright hasn't left any big footprints yet: Here and there he was engaged as a session musician, as a sitar player in an Indian orchestra and finally as an organist in the Hungarian state circus. And now he's coming up with a double CD as his debut.


PAUL ,LEFTY‘ WRIGHT - Songs From The Portal

Große Fußspuren hat Paul ,Lefty‘ Wright bislang nicht hinterlassen: Hier und da war er als Sessionmusiker engagiert, als Sitarspieler in einem indischen Orchester beschäftigt und schließlich beim ungarischen Staatszirkus als Organist unterwegs.



Autry Fulbright II, bassist at Trail Of Dead, had the band name for his project in mind for a long time. When his father died, it sparked off Midnight Masses.



Autry Fulbright II, Bassist bei Trail Of Dead, hatte den Bandnamen für sein Projekt schon lange im Kopf. Als sein Vater starb, gab das die Initialzündung für Midnight Masses.
