Is this band an enrichment or is it just shameless? This question must be allowed on the second album of the British all-star combo Halo Blind, because there has certainly been no other band in the last 15 years that has managed to record an album so close to Radiohead's work in the mid-90s.
Ist diese Band eine Bereicherung oder ist sie einfach nur schamlos?
At the beginning there is a bitter parody of the Velvet underground song "Candy Says": "Alan Vega Says" describes how the suicide front man supposedly approaches songwriting, and the cynic of British pop, Luke Haines, doesn't leave good hair on him.
Am Anfang steht eine bitterböse Parodie auf den Velvet-Underground-Song „Candy Says“: „Alan Vega Says“ beschreibt, wie der Suicide-Frontman angeblich beim Songwriting vorgeht, und der Oberzyniker des britischen Pop, Luke Haines, lässt kein gutes Haar an ihm.
Music from the Faroe Islands is known from the songwriter Guðrið Hansdóttir. Guðrun Paetursdóttir and Bartal Augustinussen are long-time members of their live band.
Musik von den Faröer Inseln kennt man von der Songwriterin Guðrið Hansdóttir. Guðrun Paetursdóttir und Bartal Augustinussen sind langjährige Mitglieder in der deren Liveband.
"Garcia vs. Garcia" was the previously announced title of John Garcia's solo album, which has been postponed for years. Now it is still finished and the title is more simple.
„Garcia vs. Garcia“ war der vorher angekündigte Titel des seit Jahren stets verschobenen Soloalbums von John Garcia. Nun ist es doch noch fertig geworden und der Titel schlichter ausgefallen.
It starts rough and violent, almost close to metal, and you think you know where the Scots of Flood Of Red are heading. But as the band themselves put it on record, it is very important to them to give each track its very own mood and thus present a versatility that is second to none.
Es beginnt rau und heftig, fast schon in der Nähe zum Metal, und man glaubt zu wissen, wohin die Reise bei den Schotten von Flood Of Red gehen soll.