Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Heavy Rock | Heft: Jahrgang 2013, eclipsed Nr. 151 / 6-2013 | VÖ-Jahr: 2013 | Wertung: 7/10 | Label: Cherry Red | Autor: ML
Ian Danter is a well-known radio sports reporter in England, but has always indulged in his passion for music. For five years he was a drummer in the Kiss Tribute Band Dressed To Kill. For "Prove You Wrong" he played all instruments except for a few exceptions, only for the lead vocals he "bought" Shy vocalist Lee Small. Danter's musical socialisation took place in the seventies with Kiss, Rainbow, Deep Purple, Thin Lizzy and Journey and this had a direct influence on all 15 songs. "Prove You Wrong" could have been released in this form in 1976: classic hard rock with more than a hint of AOR. But whenever he switches to ballads ("I Cried Tonight" and "Stronger Than That"), Danter's work unfolds its particular strength. These musical poems and the snappy opener "Soulmate" together with the "Whiskey In A Wine Glass" reminiscent of Bad Company are the clear highlights on an album without absolute weak points. Danter should only have done without his own attempts as a singer, especially if you have someone like Small on board.
Top track: Whiskey In A Wine Glass