
SPACE DEBRIS have found their dream cast on "Behind The Gate

04. April 2017

SPACE DEBRIS have found their dream cast on "Behind The Gate

Since "Phonomorphosis" (2014) a lot has happened among the Odenwald boys with a tendency towards space debris - both musically and personally. On their new recording "Behind The Gate", for example, keyboard chorales reminiscent of Deep Purple's "April" or Hendrix elements complement the sound. Otherwise it oscillates between Krautrock and Fusion. With Janni Schmidt (bassist in the tour band of Miller Anderson) there is a new addition to Space Debris to announce. "We are just perfectly happy as far as the line-up is concerned," says drummer Christian Jäger. "Janni is a total professional, who has brought completely new possibilities to the band. Everything fits one hundred percent, musically, stylistically and humanly. We've also played a lot of nice gigs in the last few years and improved our recording technique. That's why I think the new disc sounds so balanced."

Underground Tips June 2015

26. May 2015

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