Whether you mention the name Walter Trout to Joe Bonamassa, Kenny Wayne Shepherd or John Mayall, praise immediately follows. The U.S. East Coast musician has earned these accolades over the past four decades with his consistently high-quality work on the guitar and on the microphone in the studio and on the world stages. When this eclipsed issue is published, he is currently on a blues rock cruise in the Aegean Sea with 24 other acts such as Bonamassa, King King or Keb' Mo'. Without much of a breather, the tour continues on both sides of the Atlantic after that. And in October he is extensively on tour in Germany. In his luggage he has the new album "Ride".
eclipsed: Surprisingly, I'm not reaching you in California, but in Denmark. What happened?
ROGER WATERS - "The Wall" and its creator 2.0
It was the absolute sensory overload. Nobody who attended one of the 219 shows could record everything that happened on stage. A sea of symbolic images, a flood of messages. A Roger Waters completely changed compared to 1980. Everything documented in impressive scenes in the new film "Roger Waters The Wall". eclipsed talked to the Pink Floyd founder about the change of "The Wall" and himself.
THE BEATLES - As the tones learned to walk
The tale of Walter Trout's suffering, who was able to get a new liver transplant thanks to donations from fans, among other things, did not end after the operation in May 2014. It took a felt eternity until family, friends, colleagues, fans and the record company were certain that his body would take on the new organ and Trout could make music again with full power. "Battle Scars" is the comeback of New Jersey-born guitarists and singers. This album catapults him back onto the musical map with full force. This makes it easier for many who had already written off the former Canned-Heat and Bluesbreakers member. But the 64-year-old, who at a young age gave drugs and later alcohol, is bursting with fresh life energy.
eclipsed: It's a big relief we can talk to a healthy Walter Trout.
The music of the year 1968
Protest, riots, riots - to this day the legendary year 1968 is regarded as a symbol of the revolutionary spirit of awakening of the sixties. No less his music. But what was actually going on beyond romantic transfiguration in the year that followed "Sgt. Pepper"?
Finally cool in the schoolyard
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eclipsed is a music magazine based in Aschaffenburg and has been on the German market since 2000. It is aimed at friends of sophisticated rock music who want to go on a new acoustic voyage of discovery month after month.
eclipsed deals in detail with the rock greats of the 60s and 70s in the areas of art rock, prog, psychedelic, blues, classic, hard rock and much more as well as with the current scene in these areas.
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