
SUMMER OF MUSIC - 50 Years Woodstock Festival

31. July 2019

SUMMER OF MUSIC - 50 Jahre Woodstock-Festival

Woodstock was chaos, mass accumulation, three-day traps, drugs, storms, mud, (initially) financial disaster for the makers and funders. Although there were several major rock festivals in 1969 that went off without a hitch, this anarchic hippie happening is still considered legendary, the mother of all festivals. The "spirit of Woodstock" is still being whispered, the peaceful coexistence of about half a million people who flooded the festival grounds is being praised. Was Woodstock really the highlight of the Love & Peace movement? What was special about this festival, what set it apart from other major musical events of the time? Or were the three days in August 1969 simply exaggerated? A rock'n'roll diaper? Tracking.

50 YEARS WOODSTOCK - The Exhibition

19. June 2019

50 JAHRE WOODSTOCK - Die Ausstellung

Only a few singular music events have shaped an entire generation and acted like a beacon for many decades. The festival on the inconspicuous pastures of a dairy farmer in Bethel, 70 kilometres from the eponymous Woodstock, is definitely one of them. The film is cult. The large travelling exhibition "Elliott Landy Woodstock Vision. 50 Years Woodstock. The Exhibition" now reports once again about the magic days in August '69, when the hippie spirit was at its zenith.

1969 DIE ZEITENWENDE: Blown dreams, new visions

14. May 2019

1969 DIE ZEITENWENDE: Geplatzte Träume, neue Visionen

The dominant theme of the year, despite the fresh wind blowing through the Federal Republic of Germany with the election of Social Democrat Willy Brandt as Chancellor, and despite oppressive news from Vietnam and Ireland, is the landing of the Apollo 11 crew on the moon. On earth the longings of the hippies burst in Altamont at the latest, rock as "Way Of Life" has lost its innocence. On the other hand, rock music is just really taking off, the Krauts are springing up, jazzers are discovering rock, King Crimson is the prog that Zeppelin is circling - new visions for the seventies.

"ROCK'N'ROLL-WAR" VIETNAM - This is the End

23. September 2015

"ROCK'N'ROLL-WAR" VIETNAM - This is the End

40 years ago the Vietnam War ended, also known as the "Rock'n'Roll War". He influenced countless bands, and their music influenced the warriors. The protests against the war led to the golden era of rock music and Woodstock. While this still has an effect in the West today, it looks quite different in the former war country Vietnam. eclipsed reports from Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi.

The evening street sound of Ho-Chi-Minh City, the former Saigon, is still full of moped rattling as exotic music sounds slide in between. They come from a city park. You can clearly hear a hint of Asian pathos. A singer, dainty, steadfast and rushing with red flags, sings patriotic pop. "Nhạc Đỏ", Red Music, glorifies the heroic deeds of men and women who left their families to join the struggle against the French and Americans.

eclipsed Woodstock Extra

10. April 2014

Picnic and Revolution

The hippie spectacle in (the vicinity of) Woodstock cannot be compared to any other rock festival. Despite Monterey, Isle Of Wight (1968-70) or contemporary events such as Coachella, Roskilde or Glastonbury, Woodstock is and remains a legendary symbol of the combination of commitment and ecstasy, protest and profit.


Two business types and two freaks: That was the constellation of the core team that created a pop culture myth with the Woodstock Festival. But there were other people who made Woodstock Woodstock.