"Washed up, tired and staggering across a beach in the early hours of the morning. Somewhere in the twilight area between desperation and surrender, there is still that glimmer of hope. That sense that everything will be alright, no matter what the odds are.
„Washed up, tired and staggering across a beach in the early hours of the morning. Somewhere in the twilight area between desperation and surrender, there is still that glimmer of hope. That sense that everything will be alright, no matter what the odds are.
Three Hamburg boys are working out their vision of New Artrock almost unnoticed, presumably without even bothering about the term.
Da tüfteln drei Hamburger Jungs fast unbemerkt ihre Vision des New Artrock aus, vermutlich ohne sich überhaupt um diesen Begriff zu scheren.
Meaningless gigantism usually leads to emptiness, because it is based solely on transparent effects that wear out quickly. In Gustav Mahler's 8th Symphony we learned that gigantism can also be touching.
Sinnloser Gigantismus führt meist ins Leere, denn er basiert allein auf durchschaubaren Effekten, die sich schnell abnutzen. Bei Gustav Mahlers 8. Sinfonie haben wir gelernt, dass Gigantismus auch ergreifend sein kann.