22. June 2016

Jon Anderson Roine Stolt


When a prog obsessive like Roine Stolt joins forces with a scene icon like Jon Anderson, you can expect great things. Many Yes fans hope that this collaboration will be no less than a worthy album in the tradition of the Prog pioneers. The fact that he was booted out of "his" band may not have completely wound Anderson yet. But he's been looking for ways to keep making yes music. One of these ways brought him together with Flower King boss Roine Stolt. eclipsed talked to both artists about this surprising, but somehow also logical cooperation.

eclipsed: Recently you were on stage with Steve Hackett, now the album with Jon Anderson. You obviously like to surround yourself with legendary musicians?

Roine Stolt: (laughs) I just like to play with people who make interesting music and have something to say. Honestly, it's now normal for me to play with people like that. For me, Jon is just someone with a lot of ideas who is very focused on what he does. When you see someone like him or Steve on stage, you might still think, "Hey, wow, those are the heroes of the 70s. But when you look behind the curtain, you see the people and how much hard work there is in the whole thing.

eclipsed: Who's next on your list?

Stolt: I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know. (laughs) Let's see what happens. Maybe even a second album with Jon.

eclipsed: You are active in several bands. Your time management must be excellent!

Stolt: Oh, I don't think so. It's just a matter of attitude. I can't lie in bed all day smoking and drinking wine. I always have to work on something. The album with Jon, for example, had a lead up to 2014. It has grown over time.

Lesen Sie mehr im eclipsed Nr. 182 (Juli/August 2016).