When he's right, he's right. "By 2020, however, that will be 16 or 11 years," remarks Dave Schmidt - that's right, this article appears a few days too late. In 2004 Schmidt, one of the most dazzling figures of the local space psychedelic scene, founded Sulatron Records and in 2009 the band Electric Moon. How did the label come about in the first place? Schmidt freely admits: "What else should such a music fanatic do, if he doesn't have a job and is somehow not able to have a normal job? After all, label boss is also a job. And he does it well, because Sulatron has released over 100 releases so far. A balance that is quite respectable. "It started off leisurely and peaked around 2012. Now it's running at a reasonably decent level. Unfortunately, there is not really anything left of the Krautrock revival or the vinyl boom, and CD sales are also declining significantly
QUEEN - Their 50 biggest songs
Queen emphasized throughout their career that they are essentially a hard rock band. In fact, the English kept increasing the hardness of their songs as much as they liked. And yet there is hardly a formation of its caliber that has tried its hand in so many different genres. This stylish heterogeneity is also reflected in our ranking of the 50 greatest songs of the pomp quartet.
CARLOS SANTANA - The Sound of the World
Dave Schmidt candidly mentions the chaos that currently reigns over him, and one cannot get rid of the impression that this disorderly state persists persistently and sustainably - but that it is also a source of his almost untameable creativity. Schmidt is currently giving the scene four high-calibre releases via Sulatron Records: a new live album by Electric Moon, the second album by the Russian band Polska Radio One, Krautzone will follow with separate CD and vinyl releases, and finally - what a surprise! - the first Zone Six studio album in 11 years.
eclipsed: The members of Zone Six call themselves lazy bastards. So how did the new studio album "Love Monster" come about?
Dave Schmidt: Like everything with Zone Six, this was very spontaneous, during a recording break at the Krautzone sessions.
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eclipsed is a music magazine based in Aschaffenburg and has been on the German market since 2000. It is aimed at friends of sophisticated rock music who want to go on a new acoustic voyage of discovery month after month.
eclipsed deals in detail with the rock greats of the 60s and 70s in the areas of art rock, prog, psychedelic, blues, classic, hard rock and much more as well as with the current scene in these areas.
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