The eclipsed check - The 150 greatest rock anthems of all time
Stomping, combative, polemic, ecstatic - rock anthems can present themselves in this way and in completely different forms of mood. In any case, they have always stood for the great emotional theatre in popular music. The eclipsed editorial team has brought together the 150 most exciting representatives of the hymn-like song from six decades and allowed showers to trickle down their backs several times. Welcome to the stage of larger-than-life gestures!
Nobody knows which louse Geoffrey Arnold Beck ran into his liver. The fact is that the old master released "Loud Hailer" in mid-July, his first studio album in six years, and received euphoric reviews. But he doesn't want to talk about it. And he only wants to present it live in the USA, where he has been touring with Buddy Guy since the beginning of August - in casinos, provincial nests and monumental venues like the Hollywood Bowl. A finger exercise for ego and pension funds - while he cancelled all activities in Europe. Probably because he has no desire for clubs, a comparatively small salary and the questions of the local press.
The Story of Quadrophenia
"'Tommy' changed everything and saved us," Pete Townshend remembers in the introductory essay to the 2011 re-release of "Quadrophenia". Basically, The Who had been a singles band in the sixties; the sudden intellectualization of pop music had posed a new, unexpected challenge to its thought leader. "People suddenly wanted to hear 'serious' music from pop groups.
Between heaven and earth
Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page, Keith Richards - all the great guitarists of the classical rock era have something in common without which a success story in the pop business would be inconceivable: hits. Jeff Beck has to pass. Not even a guitar riff for eternity like that of "Smoke On The Water" or at least a solo like the one in Pink Floyd's "Comfortably Numb" he could claim for himself. The only hit he ever had was "Hi Ho Silver Lining!", an obscure 1967 beer-tent dark beer scarecrow, which producer Mickie Most had committed to make the guitarist a solo star.
Inventor of Olympus
They are among the most celebrated rock guitarists in the world. They once played in the same band, though not at the same time. After their departure from the Yardbirds, the careers of Jeff Beck (65) and Eric Clapton, who turns 65 on March 30, developed completely differently. eclipsed traces the paths of the fundamentally different (musician) characters, visited one of the rare joint concerts in London, spoke with Mr. Beck himself and interviewed numerous fellow musicians about their eternal rivals.
"I'm not a blues snob, I'm a rocker!"
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eclipsed is a music magazine based in Aschaffenburg and has been on the German market since 2000. It is aimed at friends of sophisticated rock music who want to go on a new acoustic voyage of discovery month after month.
eclipsed deals in detail with the rock greats of the 60s and 70s in the areas of art rock, prog, psychedelic, blues, classic, hard rock and much more as well as with the current scene in these areas.
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