Current Issue

01. November 2018

Ray Wilson , Genesis

Der umtriebige RAY WILSON gab zuletzt Konzerte vor eindrucksvoller Kulisse in Dessau und Posen

His latest live release "ZDF @ Bauhaus" shows Ray Wilson in an intimate atmosphere at the Bauhaus Dessau. The former singer of Stiltskin and Genesis has adapted to the art-historical environment with his performance on April 17 of this year and presented a straightforward unplugged set. On the occasion of his fiftieth birthday on 8 September, the Scotsman then performed at another unusual location, the neo-Romanesque residence palace of his adopted country of Poznan, where he celebrated with fans from all over the world.

eclipsed: How did the appearance in the context of the event series "zdf @ bauhaus" come about?

Ray Wilson: I was on tour and was asked if I could fill in for another band [My Indigo by Within-Temptation singer Sharon den Adel; Note]. So we literally integrated it into the tour plan at the last minute. Everything happened at the last minute, which was part of the magic.

01. November 2018


Geoff Barrow will für seine Band BEAK> mehr Experimente

It has been six long years since the British band Beak> released their second album ">>". The trademark of the trio around Portishead instrumentalist Geoff Barrow is spontaneity. Their new opus ">>>" may sound a bit more calculated and domesticated than their two predecessors, but Barrow, Billy Fuller and the new third man Will Young were again more concerned with experimental openness in sound than with completed songs.

The long waiting time for the third disc deceives a little about the actual continuity of the group. "Beak> is not a side project of Portishead," Barrow recalls, "but a joint band of three musicians who are also involved in many other projects: Billy's in Robert Plant's band, Will's on Moon Gangs. Finding a common studio date for an album is not easy. We also had to cope with a change in personnel. But in the meantime we've been playing live all the time, working on soundtracks and developing as a collective."

26. October 2018

Pavallion , Trackpremiere

The four Krefeld guys are PAVALLION releasing their second album "Stratospheria" today. There are only three atmospheric longtracks, which, according to the PR text, "leave a lot of room and gradually unfold into expansive epics - from the lonely, quiet echo in infinite expanses to the dense, impenetrable guitar wall. Warm, hypnotic post-rock meets modern psychedelic and reminds some of the good old Pink Floyd sound."

26. October 2018

Arena , Trackpremiere

The legendary UK rockers are ARENAfighting cancer with the single "Poisoned" and announce tour dates for 2019...

09.04. Z7, Pratteln (CH) 10
.04. Backstage, Munich 11
.04. Das Rind, Rüsselsheim 12
.04. Carl Mine, Essen 14
.04. Neuberinhaus, Reichenbach

24. October 2018


NOSOUND - Alter Kern in neuer Schale

On the new album "Allow Yourself" the Italian Giancarlo Erra and his band Nosound initiate a change of direction. The Artrock and the Progressive of earlier albums are only present in trace elements, now the emphasis lies in the alternative area. The soft, melancholic overall sound characteristic of Nosound, however, remains. eclipsed spoke with Erra about his artistic ambitions.

eclipsed: On the new album you have shifted the focus away from Artrock/Progrogrock to more songkompatiblen structures as well as alternative and electronic. Why's that?

24. October 2018

Finally George , Georg Hahn

FINALLY GEORGE - Auf dem Debüt (fast) alles richtig gemacht

Georg Hahn is a Hamburg native and a commissioned musician. Now he's fulfilled a dream with Finally George. "Life Is A Killer", the debut of Finally George, is a flawless art rock album. eclipsed met the 52-year-old at the edge of the Reeperbahn Festival in Zwick, the cult music restaurant with all its rock music memorabilia. So found the interview (Hahn: "This is my first interview ever. I'm a bit nervous already") right next to an original bass guitar from Sting instead - fitting to Hahn, who is "actually a bass player".

eclipsed: You're a man of your prime. You've been in the music business a long time. Now your first album is coming out. Please describe your musical career.

24. October 2018


04. October 2018
