Januar 2016

<font color="#ffff00">-==- proudly presents

21. Januar 2016

Dream Theater

If there's one progmetal band that's predestined for great conceptual works, it's certainly Dream Theater. With "The Astonishing" Dream Theater have now taken on the biggest venture of their career: a two-hour rock opera, which may eventually come on stage as a musical or be filmed.



21. Januar 2016

David Bowie

The fact that David Bowie went back to the studio so quickly after his comeback album "The Next Day" and worked under high pressure on a new work may have something to do with his cancer diagnosis. The great rock icon still had this album in him and wanted to finish it (with regular producer Tony Visconti) under all circumstances. And "★" has become a positive surprise in every respect.


AVANTASIA "Ghostlights"

21. Januar 2016


A circle of mad scholars led by a misanthropic occultist and a young agnostic scientist are the main characters in Tobias Sammet's seventh Avantasia concept album "Ghostlights". In the thematic field of tension between morality, science, spirituality and conspiracy theories, Sammet weaves an extremely catchy, bombastic rock/metal opera of high compositional quality.


AVANTASIA „Ghostlights“

21. Januar 2016


Ein Zirkel wahnsinniger Gelehrter, angeführt von einem menschenfeindlichen Okkultisten, sowie ein junger agnostischer Wissenschaftler sind die Hauptpersonen in Tobias Sammets siebtem Avantasia-Konzeptalbum „Ghostlights“. Im thematischen Spannungsfeld zwischen Moral, Wissenschaft, Spiritualität und Verschwörungstheorien webt Sammet erneut eine überaus eingängige, bombastische Rock-/Metal-Oper von hoher kompositorischer Güte.


CONRAD KEELY "Original Machines"

Being on the road is a formative element of the solo album of Trail-Of-Dead frontman Conrad Kelly. On the one hand as the theme of some songs ("Drive Back To Phnom Penh", "Out On The Road"). On the other hand, many of the tracks were created on the road, on tour with the Stammband, on journeys through his adopted country Cambodia, on Keely's iPad and with the help of the Garageband program.


DEATH HAWKS "Sun Future Moon"

21. Januar 2016

Death Hawks

The Finns who spin are a winged saying that takes the wacky joie de vivre of these people in the far north for a ride. The band Death Hawks, which was founded in 2010 and weaves blues, folk and kraut rock into their relaxed psychedelic rock, fits perfectly. Every country needs such wackos.


DEATH HAWKS „Sun Future Moon“

21. Januar 2016

Death Hawks

Die Finnen, die spinnen, heißt ein geflügelter Spruch, der die abgedrehte Lebenslust dieses Völkchens im hohen Norden auf die Schippe nimmt. Zu der 2010 gegründeten Band Death Hawks, die in ihren entspannt fließenden Psychedelic Rock Blues, Folk und Krautrock einwebt, passt das wunderbar. Solche Spinner braucht eigentlich jedes Land.


DIVIDED MULTITUDE "Divided Multitude"

21. Januar 2016

Divided Multitude

With over 20 years of service, Divided Multitude are among the oldest representatives of the Scandinavian (prog) metal scene. The self-titled new album is the first longplayer in five years and presents the Norwegians full of joy, self-confidence and with the courage to great emotion.


DIVIDED MULTITUDE „Divided Multitude“

21. Januar 2016

Divided Multitude

Mit gut 20 Dienstjahren zählen Divided Multitude zu den ältesten Vertretern der skandinavischen (Prog-)Metalszene. Das selbstbetitelte neue Album ist der erste Longplayer seit fünf Jahren und präsentiert die Norweger voller Spielfreude, Selbstbewusstsein und mit dem Mut zur großen Emotion.
